Thursday, September 20, 2012

Celebrating Freedom and Faith

El Salvador Flag

Recently El Salvador celebrated their Independence Day. The national motto is: God, Freedom, Unity. One might wonder what there is to celebrate in a third world country where there is so much poverty, violence and apparent hopelessness. My life here may seem to some as a hardship but you only have to look around and realize hardship and poverty is relative. There are so many around me that live with much, much less than what others consider to be poverty. So where is the freedom in that? I am blessed to able to teach the freedom that comes from knowing our sins have been paid for by the Son of God and that I can be loved unconditionally by the creator of the universe.  Recently one of my students told me that by studying God's word together he has realized he is now eating spiritual meat instead of subsisting solely on spiritual milk. More importantly, he says that it is having a positive impact on his marriage. As Christians we need to remember that with the Spirit of God residing in us we are now free to not be selfish anymore. Free to not return insult for insult. Free to give away and share what we can't keep anyway. Free to rebuild broken marriages and relationships. Free to let go of unforgiveness and bitterness. Free to speak words that bless and not curse. No matter our economic circumstance, we are free to share the truth that truly sets one free.