Monday, May 30, 2011

Love, Hope and Children

Last week we visited "Hogar Infantil Amor y Esperanza". Literally this means Children's Home of Love and Hope and is an orphanage about an hour from here and near the capital of San Salvador. It was started, and is run by, an American from Cleveland, Ohio. She and 16 staff, both paid and volunteer, care for 21 children raging in age from two to fifteen. Of these, only one is a true orphan with no living parents. The rest have been placed there by the government due to neglect, abuse or very poor economic conditions where the parents can not care for them.

Although the government regulates the orphanage and decides who can and can not live there, the government does not provide any financial support for their care. Thus, all funding is provide solely on a donation basis. Most of it comes from the U.S. but there are also Salvadorans who donate groceries and supplies. The children are provided with clothing, food, medical care, education and, most imporantly, the love and hope that are so generously provided by these dedicated followers of Jesus.

We are praying to see if this is an organization that we can partner with and assist in the work that they are doing. There is no end of opportunities here so please join us in praying for the direction, wisdom and discernment in how to use our limited time and resources.

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