Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Are there Twinkies in heaven?

Recently I have been modifying my diet to better control my diabetes. Sadly, this means more broccoli. But I have hope that one day I will receive a new body that will function as God intended. Along the theme of hope, I am reading a book entitled "If you want to walk on water you've got to get out of the boat" by John Ortberg. In one of the chapters he shares the following:

"Hope does not just motivate positive action. It actually has healing power. In one study, 122 men who had suffered their first heart attack were evaluated based on their degree of hopefulness and pessimism. Of the 25 most pessimistic men, 21 had died eight years later. Of the 25 most optimistic, only 6 had died! Loss of hope increased the odds of death more than 300 percent; it predicted death more accurately than any medical risk factor including blood pressure, amount of damage to the heart, or cholesterol level. Better to eat Twinkies in hope than to eat broccoli in despair."

AMEN! I see a new diet fad coming...The Hope Diet...Low on broccoli, high on Twinkies!

Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. I Peter 1:13

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