Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Christina's Corner: Finding Treasure

It was great to have the team here!!! I enjoyed every moment. To be surrounded by people from back home brought a sense of comfort to my heart. What a blessing it was to spend a week serving the Lord in El Salvador together. The week was busy and at times tiring to the point of delirium but the sound of laughter brought much happiness to my soul. Over that week, I realized that every moment was a treasure and a blessing. Funny how when you go out and serve others you are the one that ends up being blessed abundantly. In every thing we did that week, it was for the glory of God. May His light shine in us, so that we may go out and be a light in this dark world!! 


Pouring a concrete floor over dirt
Mixing concrete by hand

Enjoying God's Creation

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Serving small, Loving big

We have our first youth group joining us on Saturday for a week of service and ministry. Part of their focus will include an evangelical outreach to the community and a separate time to encourage the local church youth. During the week they will also be making roof repairs and pouring concrete over the current dirt floor in the home of a single mom. They will also be helping out one day at an orphanage in San Salvador. Some might ask can one week change the world? Does it really make a difference?

To answer those questions I will simply quote Mother Teresa from her book The Love of Christ:

"What we are doing is but a drop in the ocean. This may be only a drop, but the ocean would be less if it weren't there. What we do is something small, but we do it with big hearts. At death, we will not be judged by the amount of work we did, but by the amount of love we put into it. We do not strive for spectacular actions. What counts is the gift of yourself, the degree of love you put into each of your deeds...Do you want to be great? Pick up a broom and sweep the floor."

Typical poor home in El Salvador with a dirt floor

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Christina's Corner: Deep Waters

This past week, I hit a rough patch. Most of the time, I always want to fix things myself. Make things go away, shove things under the rug. The last thing I want to do is give it over to the Lord. I don't know how many times it will take me, until I give everything over to Him. I know that with Him by my side the unknown feels less scary, the pain feels less painful, and my questions are answered with His assurance. But I am me. Which means I want to put matters into my own hands and then I realize I'm not God, I am not in control, I am only human. I realized today, as I looked back on my week, for every tear I shed, for every hurt I have, there is a reason and a purpose. I may not see it now, but the Lord has my future in His hands. Everything I go through is for a divine purpose. I may go through fire and deep waters but with the Lord by my side, I won't burn and I won't drown. ---- Christina

Do not be afraid for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by name, you are mine.
When you go through deep waters 
and great trouble, I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty
you will not drown!!
Isaiah 43:1-2