Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Christina's Corner: Deep Waters

This past week, I hit a rough patch. Most of the time, I always want to fix things myself. Make things go away, shove things under the rug. The last thing I want to do is give it over to the Lord. I don't know how many times it will take me, until I give everything over to Him. I know that with Him by my side the unknown feels less scary, the pain feels less painful, and my questions are answered with His assurance. But I am me. Which means I want to put matters into my own hands and then I realize I'm not God, I am not in control, I am only human. I realized today, as I looked back on my week, for every tear I shed, for every hurt I have, there is a reason and a purpose. I may not see it now, but the Lord has my future in His hands. Everything I go through is for a divine purpose. I may go through fire and deep waters but with the Lord by my side, I won't burn and I won't drown. ---- Christina

Do not be afraid for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by name, you are mine.
When you go through deep waters 
and great trouble, I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty
you will not drown!!
Isaiah 43:1-2 


  1. Isn't it comforting that He is in charge! Our love and prayers for you and God's blessings!
    Dick & Gwyne

  2. Amen Christina, when the fires of life come they (by our choosing) will make us either the dross or the refined material that God wants us to be. If we get angry, or bitter, these are the things that God want purified from our lives; but instead when the fire comes they are things we hold on to... Allow the Lord to purify His children and we will be blessed... Blessings to you and we're praying for you and pops... Al and Elaine
