Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Christina's Corner: Finding Treasure

It was great to have the team here!!! I enjoyed every moment. To be surrounded by people from back home brought a sense of comfort to my heart. What a blessing it was to spend a week serving the Lord in El Salvador together. The week was busy and at times tiring to the point of delirium but the sound of laughter brought much happiness to my soul. Over that week, I realized that every moment was a treasure and a blessing. Funny how when you go out and serve others you are the one that ends up being blessed abundantly. In every thing we did that week, it was for the glory of God. May His light shine in us, so that we may go out and be a light in this dark world!! 


Pouring a concrete floor over dirt
Mixing concrete by hand

Enjoying God's Creation


  1. All hard work bring a profit but mere talk leads only to proverty! Proverbs 14:23


  2. Great words Christina! Maybe you can teach your dad how to blog too. :-)

    We miss you!

    Daniel, Karen, and Sameayah
