Tuesday, September 20, 2011

La Victoria!

After 6 months, two attorneys, many dollars and multiple trips to Extranjeria (immigration), we received our temporary residency visas! We had exactly one week left before our tourist visa expired and we would potentially have had to leave the country, return, and start the process all over again. Thank you to all who faithfully prayed for this day.

One of the local pastors jokingly offered to act as our "coyote" and get us across the river if it didn't work. At least I think he was joking. Attached is a photo of the simple little stamp that gives us permission to stay for another 3 months. Who would have thought it would take so much to get a stamp? Now we have to go through an interview process and further review of all our documents to be issued a one year residency visa. I understand that this is usually a formality but would still appreciate your continued prayers.

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