Friday, July 1, 2011

The widow's eggs

Two copper coins and Two eggs
This incident happened over a month ago but I am just getting around to writing about it. We were visiting a church on the outskirts of Lourdes. The church is located in a very poor, rural colonia (neighborhood) in a gang-infested area. As I was talking to the pastor an old woman who looked like she could be Noah's grandmother hobbled up to the pastor and gave him a small bag. He took the bag, thanked her and gave her a traditional Salvadorian blessing. When I asked what was in the bag he explained to me that she was a widow who lived in a shack and did not have a job and inside the bag were a couple of eggs from her chickens. This was her "tithe" because she was so grateful to God for His blessings. Please understand that this was not something that was required of her by the Pastor or church. This was done totally voluntarily. I was so humbled by her grateful heart while living in a condition that is well below any level of "poverty" that an American would find outrageous. I have found that so often here it is the financially poor who are richest in contentment, gratefulness and faith. It reminded me of the story Jesus told of the poor widow who put two copper coins in the offering box. Jesus went on to tell his disciples that she gave far more than the rich because she gave of all that she had to live on. Please re-read this short story in Mark 12:38-44. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

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